raiders of the lost blog

well I got screwed.... I used to write a blog... but my blogger account was connected to my Google account that was connected to my YouTube channel. so I lost it all... so I lost all my contacts, access to my blog, my email and my YouTube channel. some haters might be happy but all the work I shared for others was gone. the network of friends, film actors, theater owners, distributors, film archives, private sellers and stores owners emails were all gone....  boo fucking hoo! no use crying over spilled milk but I accepted the fact that all those things were meant for a moment in time that I was subconsciously documenting a moment of me reliving a moment of enjoying reenactments of moments but it was only momentary.  fast forward 10 years and covid (dont call me kung flu) 19 has the world by the family jewels! we are all going to die! and i think you know what, let me blog about this shit... well if you followed OCD WINE AND WOMEN back in the days it won't be back i dont miss some of you stalkers....i know you miss me and this post should be self explanatory at this point but I will also mention R.I.P. everyone that was lost to covid19 and R.I.P. to the KUNGTRIADSOCIETY YouTube channel. if this covid lasts any longer i may even get bored enough to do all the things i been to lazy to do.... i will make all my dreams come true!.......